A few quick notes to consider when scheduling electronics recycling for your company, we will need to gather a little information from you such as the contents and quantities of your pickup and if your company requires any of the special circumstances listed below?

ITAD Tailored Needs
First and foremost we will appreciate a rough and or precise estimate of the electronic assets your company will need servicing for disposition via images and asset list, let us walk you through it, to get started please consider the following for tailored ITAD needs:
Special parking and entrance procedures for companies with restricted and limited access, is their room for a full sized dock truck on-site or will multiple back and forth of asset labor be required?
Specific equipment required for disposition, such as carts and asset transferring devices already on-site or will they need to be provided upon arrival?
Are there any access restrictions, will entrance keys, badges or personal be required on-site to access equipment and disposition the equipment?
​In heavily restricted access area's will a multiple back and forth movement of assets need to have permission from security or building personal?
​Will a locked cart for sensitive data bearing devices be required on-site per your companies, compliance laws and regulations?
Since we try to keep any fee's to a minimum and tailer services to your companies specific asset needs, take a look at a comprehensive list of what are company will accept for recycling or book your electronics recycling pickup now!